Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Sharks don't care about the weather! Be a Shark! The Video Version!

Sharks don't care about the weather! Be a Shark!

Welcome back Sharks!


I'm here to motivate you not to make excuses!  That's right, even in bad weather don't use an excuse.  *Now, mind you if it is not safe, heed caution, please.

However,  bad weather can be used as an excuse and I want you to try not using that as a business excuse.  Snow, rain, wind, cold, hot and whatever else we all have heard over the years.

I'm talking about things like:
I'll do it when it's not so hot...
I'll circle back when it's not raining...
I'm cold, I need a day that it's warm to complete this project...

The point is simple, use weather days to get a LEG-UP on everyone else that is using weather as a reason to relax and take the day off.

Stay hungry Sharks and Challenge yourself!

Be a Shark,

~ The Shark

Want to learn more? Want a deeper understanding of why sales are hard? Check out The Shark at

Book a training session and start your Shark journey today!

Not Your Father's Sales Training!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

What's up Instagram, The Shark Sales System! A-yo!!!

Welcome back, I hope you are hungry! I'm talking about Practice why because if you are in sales and not practice you are not doing it right! Every Pro athlete practices and so should you! You should have a coach too!

I can help. But you are not ready for that type of success, are you? But if you are ready, check it out below!

Monday, November 20, 2017

Motivation Monday, Restoring respect to sales!

Time to eat Sharks! Selling yourself every day!

Making Sales Great Again! A career in sales CAN be respectable, admirable, and revered once again! With The Shark Sales System, you to can make money and sleep at night knowing that you helped someone because you are the industry expert, a Sales Shark.

Want to learn more? Want a deeper understanding of why sales are hard? Check out The Shark at or email at

Book a training session and start your Shark journey today!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Why I teach Sales, Selling yourself every day!

Time to eat Sharks! Selling yourself every day!

Want to learn more? Want a deeper understanding of why sales are hard? Check out The Shark at or email at

Book a training session and start your Shark journey today!

Monday, November 6, 2017

Depth 7 of The Shark Sales System. The Close! 7 of 7!

Time to eat Sharks! Welcome to Depth 7 of The Shark Sales System! The Close!

Want to learn more? Want a deeper understanding of why sales are hard? Check out The Shark at or email at 

Book a training session and start your Shark journey today!

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Depth 6 of The Shark Sales System. The Bite!

Sales with the Shark continues in the 6th part of a 7 part system.  So we have a deal or sale but remember we still selling your brand, you! As a Shark,  you need to continue to go beyond and deliver excellence.

Stay hungry my sharks!

Want to learn more? Want a deeper understanding of why sales are hard? Check out The Shark at or email at 

Book a training session and start your Shark journey today!

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Depth 5 of The Shark Sales System. The Bump!

Time to eat Sharks! Welcome to part 5 of The Shark Sales System! The Bump!

Want to learn more? Want a deeper understanding of why sales are hard? Check out The Shark at or email at 

Book a training session and start your Shark journey today!

Friday, November 3, 2017

Depth 4 of The Shark Sales System. The Teeth!

Time to eat Sharks! Welcome to part 4 of The Shark Sales System! The Teeth!

Want to learn more? Want a deeper understanding of why sales are hard? Check out The Shark at or email at 

Book a training session and start your Shark journey today!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Friday, October 27, 2017

Yes, it is Friday, but The Shark is coming for Monday! Sharks Eat!

Great White Sales Shark

Hello Sharks,

I love Mondays! I bet you're asking why, why Shark, why?  Mondays are great because Sharks started planing on Friday for Monday and Sharks have had two extra days to think and plan.

That's right Monday it coming and what you do right now is key to its success.  So don't lay back today because it is Friday and you think you have "earned" it. Get after it, KEEP SWIMMING!

So today's Shark Challenge is to complete something you thought was not getting done until Monday!  By getting this task done today, you are ensuring that your Monday will be off to a slamming great pace!

Don't let Monday come for you, instead go after the Monday. Act like there are 14 billion other Sharks out there trying to eat what you want.

Until next time, Stay Hungry!

~ The Shark, caring about MONDAY!

Want to learn more? Want a deeper understanding of why sales are hard?  Email me at 

Book a training session and start your Shark journey today! 

Monday, October 23, 2017

What about Monday? Nothing, now Hustle Hard!

Hello Sharks,

Guess what day it is? That's right, Monday, but who cares? Not this Shark! The Shark still has to eat and The Shark still has to swim in the cold, in the dark and oh yes, ON A MONDAY!

So get after it! Your future self will thank you later. Swim hard now so you can coast in the Gulf Stream later.

Just keep swimming and happy sales!

Until next time.

~ The Shark,  not caring about Monday

Want to learn more? Want a deeper understanding of why sales are hard? Check out The Shark at or email at 

Book a training session and start your Shark journey today!

Not Your Father's Sales Training!

Friday, October 20, 2017

The Seventh and final Depth to The Shark Sales System, The Close!

Hello Sharks,

The Seventh and final Depth to The Shark Sales System is The Close! The Close depth was named because as a Sharks last move the Jaws close around the prey and it is finished.  This is where the after sales thoughts begin.  The Close is where you can review the solution(s) and get feedback on the deal.

During these conversations, we as Sharks should be making the customer still OK with open and honest feedback.  In The Sharks world, we stay position and we keep adapting to better our sales.  It is said that a Shark does not concern themselves with the opinions of flounders. 

At this Depth in the system, we can talk about future business deals and even what it will look like to have the customer make a referral.  Because the best business is referral business.

Deliver confidently and believe in your product.  After all, you are the Apex predator and while you still need to stay humble understand that with The Shark Sales System nothing should stand in your way of the deal.  Remember that we built a relationship with the customer and you should be able to call on that for a myriad of reasons in the future.

Stay Hungry Sharks!

Until next time,

~ The Shark has Closed

Want to learn more? Want a deeper understanding of why sales are hard? Check out The Shark at or email at 

Book a training session and start your Shark journey today!

Not Your Father's Sales Training!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

The Sixth Depth to The Shark Sales System, The Bite!

Hello Sharks,

The sixth depth in The Shark Sales System is The Bite! The Bite depth was named because now we are actually delivering the sale or service.  This is where the Teeth meet the deal and they start to sink in.  The Shark has defined the answer to the customers' issues and we are moving forward and help.

During this point in the conversation, we as Sales Sharks should be affirming the decision and making the customer still feel OK about their decision.  In The Sharks world, we all know that those teeth or pointed inward and that the bite is in for good. 

When we have made it to this step in The Shark Sales System both parties are committed because we have reviewed all aspects of the Sale.  Here we can now be excited and happy with the customer. Affirmation talk about dates and times, confirm payment or payments.  Now you can deliver the items or services and know that we have truly helped the customer.

We are still swimming and we are Sharks so we must continue to go above and beyond. This is what makes us Sharks.  Sharks never stop delivering the very best in Sales class.  You earn the right to be called a Shark by never giving up and striving for excellence. Here is the moment where we as A Shark can deliver the wow, or something that the customer was not expecting.

Until next time,

~ The Shark has Bitten

Want to learn more? Check out The Shark at or email at

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The Fifth Depth to The Shark Sales System, The Bump!

Hello Sharks,

The fifth depth in The Shark Sales System is The Bump! The Bump depth of the system was named for the behavior some Sharks exhibit right before they decide if they are going to eat a particular item or if that item becomes prey. How it relates to sales is simply whether or not we both the sales rep. and customer moves forward to close a deal. 

Often this type of bump and bite behavior is when The Shark is making a decision whether to leave or if the item becomes prey.  During The Bump part in The Sales System, we are going to find out the who, what, when, why, where and how's of the deal. 

Here we are going to find out if the customer is able to continue through the process or more importantly if there are other people that they need to bring into the decision making fold. If the customer is able and qualified then we are able to swim to the final parts of The System and closes the deal. 

We fight and keep swimming and to get to the truth. The truth is if this deal is good for both the customer and for The Sales Shark. Asking open style questions and allowing the client to swim with you to the next depth makes them in control.

Until next time,

~ The Shark has Bumped

Also, check out The Shark at or email at

Monday, October 16, 2017

The Fourth Depth to The Shark System, The Teeth!

Hello Sharks,

The fourth part in The Shark Sales System is The Teeth!  The Teeth of the system was named for the serious business end of the system and the predator shark.  This is were we discover the money or investment part of the sale.  I like to think of the Teeth as the part of The Shark that means serious business.

During this part of The Sales System you are going to start to find out the customers(s) budget for not only money but time and resources as well.  We as Sharks have to know how to lead the customer through the sale as if it was actual happening.  Going from start to finish and even after the sale for future transactions/referrals.

While talking about this process you will get comfortable articulating and learning about the customers external/internal decisions and how they come about.  This is where some major psychology can come into play, you see as little children our parents told us to never talk about..... MONEY!

We fight against the customers parents and teachings from the moment we meet them. As a Shark in training we will teach you to navigate The Teeth with a certain comfortably that will get you the sale.

Until next time,

~ The Shark has Teeth

Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Third Depth to The Shark System, The Jaws!

Hello Sharks,

The third part in The Shark Sales System is The Jaws!  The Jaws was named from the pop-culture movie Jaws.  If we remember in the first parts of the blog I painted a picture of being in the open ocean and you notice a shark in the water with you.  If you know the movie Jaws then you are sure to think of this movie while in the water with the shark.

During this part of the Sales System you as the rep start to find out the pain of the customer(s) or the reason(s) for doing business.  We as Sharks have to remember that customers buy for their reasons and not the sales persons reasons.

This part of the cycle is the where the rep is asks the most questions.  The questions are open ended and designed to get the customer talking.  Remember if you are talking more than the customer you are talking to much! One mouth, two ears used them in proportion.

Until next time,

~ The Shark has Jaws

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Second Depth of The Shark System, The Circle

Hello Sharks!

The second part to The System is The Circle.  The Circle is about what the shark does next. He or She doesn't go right for the kill and eat. The shark circle the prey, he is planning and waiting on the prefect time.

In this stage we need to ask for time to talk. Talk about the agenda of both parties.  The shark wants to eat or make the sale and the prospect wants to know why to buy from you or to get out of the water!

Now unlike the shark we as growing Sales Sharks are going to learn to be ok with the prospect getting out of the water and not doing business with us.

Being OK with a prospect getting out of the water or NO is one of the steps we can take in building trust!

Until next time,

~ The Shark has Circled

Monday, October 9, 2017

The First Depth of The Shark System, The Shock!

Welcome to The Blog by The Shark,

So you’ve made it to The Shock the first part of The Shark Selling System. Well you ask, what is the shock? Think about if you’re swimming in the ocean and you see a shark, odds are you’re gonna be in shock and you’re gonna remember that moment for the rest of your life. Similar to the sales world I’ll teach you how to inspire the shock (in a good way) in those first couple of moments so that the meeting will be memorable and that person will want to do business with you!

~The Shark

Intro to The Shark!

Welcome to The Blog by The Shark,

Have you ever wondered why they don’t teach sales in college or why you can’t get a degree in sales? I often have asked myself that same question. You’ve come to the right place, with The Shark Sales System I can show you from start to finish what it means to be a Shark and how to navigate the sales waters. For more information give me a call at 734-545-5657 or better yet visit my website